Sunday, June 21, 2009

NY Aquarium and Coney Island

Started the morning off with Rich's parents here and a Father's Day breakfast. After they left we headed to Brooklyn to the NY Aquarium. Since we're members of the Bronx Zoo we also get into the aquarium for free and get free parking. They had a special mermaid day and a real live mermaid made an appearance at the sea lion show along with some synchronized swimmers. It was the best sea lion show I've ever seen. The mermaid Grace insisted was someone with a tail covering her legs.

We ate lunch in their cafe, which was standard cafeteria food. Did get a 10% discount for members.

After looking around at more fishies we headed out to the boardwalk. The kids got Italian ice and Rich and Grace got some dogs at the original Nathan's. We'd heard that Coney Island was pretty seedy now, but it's really not so bad. It's definitely a mix of people, which we rather enjoyed.

The trip home was tough with traffic and the GPS taking us a screwy way. It took just about 2 hours to get home. It took about an hour and 20 to get there. I don't see going back often or by myself with the kids, but would go again at some point.

Grace's last day of school tomorrow and "Camp Milliman" officially starts! Lord, give me strength! haha

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