Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer camp planning in progress!

Hello! Thanks for stopping by the new summer camp blog!

I'm planning to have "Camp Milliman" again this summer and want to share the experience. I really tried last summer, but once we got to our new home I really needed time to set up the house and did send Grace to a few camps. She had a ball!

Over February break I was disappointed to not be going on vacation. So, we had "Camp Milliman" over the break and really enjoyed having some friends join us on our adventures!

I'm hoping to share some fun ideas with you and hoping you'll have some ideas for me! Let the planning begin!

First off, let's think of all the places where we have memberships. These are great places to visit as well as their reciprocal institutions. Just last weekend we took our Stepping Stones membership on the road to West Hartford to The Children's Museum. While in that area we went to Cabela's for lunch and to purchase the kids' sleeping bags for the upcoming camping trips!

After the museum we checked out a restaurant that we had seen a billboard for on the highway. East Side Restaurant is a fun German restaurant in New Britain. When the big beers go by the servers yell Ticky Tocky, Ticky Tocky...hoy, hoy, hoy! Everyone joins in! The food was yummy, too!

Little feet coming-gotta run~

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