Monday, April 21, 2008

Camping weekend

We made our maiden voyage in the Airstream over the weekend. As usual, it was a lot of work getting ready and it turned out Grace had a half day of school. We got out by 1:30 and got up to Hickory Run State Park pretty early. The first thing that happened when we pulled into our site was the hitch broke or something along those lines. It still worked, but one of the sway bars fell off. We didn't realize it was truly broken, though, til Sunday when it fell off twice after pulling away.

The other thing that we couldn't figure out was the awning. It got bent and didn't work. So, after we left on Sunday Rich dropped us at home and drove on to NJ to take the camper in to be repaired. We learned that we need to read the manuals and both know how to operate everything.

Other than those things, we did pretty well. The girls didn't sleep well the first night, which meant none of us did. Lola slept with us most of the night and the second night Grace was still having a hard time sleeping. So, I put her in the bed with Rich and Lola and I slept on the back couch where Grace had been sleeping.

We enjoyed letting the kids ride bikes and have wagon rides. We had a fire with s'mores the second night. We went to the playground and tried to go to the beach at the lake, but that was too chilly. For the most part, the weekend was a success.

Lola learned to say "tv". She normally just says "t" when she wants to watch something. And, her favorite is always anything "Pooh."

Grace was riding her bike with training wheels really well. She also is doing a nice job being a big sister and taking care of Lola.

Grace had her third crown put in today at the dentist. She is a very good patient! She also learned that her two front bottom teeth are loose!

This Sunday is the March for Babies! We're excited to get out and help make a difference!

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