Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day weekend

Grace had another good day at school. I'm so happy she is liking it!

Lola and I went to Trader Joe's and then went to pick up some fabric remnants from Freecycle. Gotta love Freecycle. If you haven't checked it out in your area, it's worth a look. I got rid of all my boxes that way.

I got packed and packed the Airstream tonight. We're getting up very early and heading to Keuka. Unfortunately, we won't be able to spend a lot of time there because the drive is long and the weekend is short. We didn't know that Grace would start school before Labor Day.

Lola' new trick is now trying to climb up my legs and do a flip. Grace used to do the same thing. She is also starting to hit and say "no!" a lot. I hope we don't have any problems with preschool! Most of the time she is really good, but she's starting to show that she's 2!

Have a great weekend!

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